Our solutions

Scotia Global Asset Management offers traditional and alternative investment solutions to meet the needs of clients across all levels of wealth in Canada and around the world.

Investment capabilities — Canada


Equity — Canada

Our Equity teams aim to deliver risk-adjusted investment results and choice. They build actively managed portfolios for traditional and alternative strategies that can offer capital growth and/or income focuses while investing across styles, geographies, and sectors.


Fixed income — Canada

Our Core Fixed Income and Specialized Credit Teams manage a wide range of active fixed-income mandates across markets, sectors, including traditional and alternative bond strategies, aiming to deliver risk-adjusted returns and income solutions with additional support from a dedicated Centralized Credit Research Team.


Multi-asset management — Canada

The Multi-Asset Management team uses a variety of asset classes, traditional and alternative strategies, and complementary investment styles to create diversified portfolios. Using these elements and a proprietary process, the team constructs and manages robust portfolio solutions aiming to enhance investment outcomes for our clients over the long-term.


Alternative investments – Canada

Many of our investment teams utilize traditional and alternative investments as both are important tools in our investment solutions. Weaving in alternative assets and alternative trading strategies into what we do for our clients expands the investment opportunity set and can help improve diversification, better mitigate risk and potentially enhance returns. Our investment teams and strategic partners have decades of experience actively managing alternative investments.

Investment solutions

Learn more about the products offered through our multiple targeted brands and platforms.

ESG approach

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations are a key component in delivering long-term value to clients.


Relevant thought leadership from our Canadian team at Scotia Global Asset Management.

5 timeless tips on managing market ups and downs

In this article we provide you with some tips on how to manage and potentially benefit from market volatility.

Dynamic’s Retirement Income Centre

Re-envision your retirement.

On The Money Podcast with Dynamic Funds: An inflation outlook for the new year

Romas Budd shares his most recent thoughts on inflation concerns, fixed-income markets and what investors who are holding bonds need to keep in mind in 2023.

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